Karelia Pulp was noted in two ratings at once
Karelia Pulp LLC entered the rating Top 100 largest companies in the Russian North-West Federal District in terms of dynamic financial growth. Among participants of the annual Kommersant rating were over 1850 non-financial business companies. To enter the project, the companies should have been registered in the region at least for three years and have shown an increase in financial indicators for the period 2016-2018. Aside from Karelia Pulp LLC the ranking includes four more representatives of the pulp and paper sector.
Moreover, Karelia Pulp LLC was included in the Top 10 export leaders of the Russian North-West Federal District according to the newspaper «Delovoy Peterburg». The rating of industrial enterprises 2019 was prepared under the support of the Russian presidential envoy in the Russian Northwestern Federal District and in partnership with the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg. The financial indicators of the largest industrial enterprises of the NWFD are both derived from open sources (SPARK) and from the results of questionnaires of the companies themselves.