On 14 December, Karjala pulp participated in the round-table discussion on methods of rating social and environmental responsibility of the Russian forest-based companies. It’s WWF Russia and some forestry companies that have designed the eco-rating.
The aim of professional eco-rating is to reduce environmental stress and increase efficiency of the forest resource use, environmental and social responsibility and transparency of the Russian forest sector.
Now, they are still working out methods of rating the Russian forest brands. The following forest-based industries are expected to be evaluated: timber harvesting, sawmilling, woodworking, pulp and paper production, biofuel production, retail and printing offices. The key criteria of evaluation of the Russian companies are responsible use of wood, environmental-friendly production process, environmental footprint, transparency of the company.
It’s expected that already in the beginning of 2017, WWF will be actively rating the companies according to the stated criteria. They will be evaluated in accordance with information from the publicly available resources. Based on the rating results, WWF will recommend buying products.
“In 2017, the year of Ecology, it is quite important to turn attention of the commercial companies to importance of the environmental issue for business. The western companies have been paying great attention to careful use of the natural resources for a long time. We can and must opt for the best world practices and learn to take care of natural resources”, said Evgeny Agapitov, Manager of the Wood supply department, Karjala pulp