Karelia Pulp was noted in two ratings at once,03 October 2019
Karelia Pulp LLC entered the rating Top 100 largest companies in the Russian North-West Federal District in terms of dynamic financial growth.
Karelia Pulp has moved up by 90 points in the RBK 500 rating, 02 October 2019
The company Karelia Pulp was ranked 402 in the annual rating of the largest Russian companies and showed steady growth compared to the previous year.
Karjala Pulp purchased 43,88% shares of PJSC Karellesprom,18 September 2019
Karjala Pulp purchased the shares of PJSC Karellesprom on the auction held on September 18.The company offered the best price and was announced a winner of the auction.
Karjala Pulp announces its intent to acquire the shares of Karellesprom, 07 August 2019
Karjala Pulp, the main investor of the Kondopoga Pulp and Paper Mill, will apply to participate in auction of the shares of Karellesprom PJSC.
Karelia Pulp participated in the organization of the 90th anniversary of the Kondopoga pulp and paper mill, 26 June 2019
On June 27 the Kondopoga pulp and paper mill celebrates its 90th anniversary. Karelia Pulp, being the main investor of the mill, assisted by organising numerous events for not only the company employees, but also all the cuty residents.
The products of Kondopoga pulp and paper mill were awarded the “Mark of Quality of the 21st Century” platinum and gold value, June 14, 2019.
Kondopoga pulp and paper mill took part in the 41st competition “ALL-RUSSIAN MARK (III MILLENNIUM). JSC Kondopoga pulp and paper mill became a laureate, and its newsprint and thin newspaper were awarded the “Quality Mark of the XXI Century” platinum dignity, the paper for the inner layers of corrugated cardboard – the Quality Mark of the XXI Century.Moreover, the Kondopoga mill received the right to label their products with the relevant Mark at no cost for two years.
Karjala Pulp will be one of the sponsors of the Lumberman 2019 Championship, June 13, 2019.
The company supported the republican competition among lumbermen with the motorsaws “Lumberman-2019”, which will be held on June 13-14, 2019 in the village of Chalna, Karelia. As part of the championship, the best 17 forest fellers from all over Karelia will compete to be the best in 2019.
Karjala pulp named second in the Russian Exporter of the Year Awards 2016, 24 Nov 2017
24 November 2017, Moscow. Karjala pulp ranked second in nomination Russian Exporter of the Year Awards 2016 in frames of the Fifth International Export Forum “Made In Russia”.
Karjala Pulp was listed in the ratings of publishing house Kommersant and Rating Agency RAEX,03 Oct 2017
CEO Karjala Pulp Alexey Demchishin ranked fifth in the 250 top managers among the industry companies according to publishing house Kommersant and Association of Managers.
Karjala pulp participated in the round-table discussion on eco-rating WWF
On 14 December, Karjala pulp participated in the round-table discussion on methods of rating social and environmental responsibility of the Russian forest-based companies. It’s WWF Russia and some forestry companies that have designed the eco-rating.
The aim of professional eco-rating is to reduce environmental stress and increase efficiency of the forest resource use, environmental and social responsibility and transparency of the Russian forest sector.
Partner news:
“I’ll be back” or friends never say goodbye
On 25 November, JSC Kondopoga welcomed the representatives of the mill’s strategic partner Karjala Pulp, the companies Trigon and MALAYALA MANORAMA.
Guests from the sunny Indian state Kerala arrived to the snow-covered and cold Karelia to see with their own eyes how newsprint used for the printing offices of MALAYALA MANORAMA is produced.
Karjala Pulp believes that Russia has all chances to become number one on the world newsprint markets.
On the 21st international Adam Smith Institute conference “Pulp & Paper in Russia & CIS 2016”, during strategic expert discussion Deputy CEO Karjala Pulp Dmitry Turkevich tried to define a role of Russia in creating the world pulp and paper market.
First ideas expressed were quite optimistic saying that the market will still live for the next 7-10 years. The speaker believes that serious industry problems can touch off a war for market shares. However, most experts view it favorably saying that such intense competition can mobilize for struggle for high quality. Here important are also the government participation and support.
News partner
Kondopoga mill entered into the finishing stage of the bankruptcy procedure three months ago. Andrei Shutilov, bankruptcy commissioner of Kondopoga mill, told MK Karelia about the current situation and changes on the mill.
Andrei Vladimirovich, we would like to ask you as the official Kondopoga representative about the situation on the mill.
– Despite the fact that press announced enough about the bankruptcy of the mill, very few people really understand the process. In reality, the bankruptcy procedure does not always mean liquidation of business. More often, it means financial recovery and a chance for the enterprise to get out of the crisis. As a rule, it is a long and complex process consisting of several stages. Today the mill is at final stage – bankruptcy proceedings. In other words, for that period all the creditor claims must be satisfied due to the sale of the mill assets. Taking into account the social and economic importance of the mill for the Republic and the city, it is going to be sold as one lot. The auction will take place in the middle of 2017.
The Russian high officials visited the Kondopoga mill
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Sergey Naryshkin visited the Kondopoga mill.
On 13 September 2016 Chairman of the State Duma, Sergey during his business trip to the Northwestern federal district visited one of the leading plants of the papermaking industry in Karelia- the Kondopoga pulp and paper mill.
September 13/2016
Among other visitors were the Head of the Republic of Karelia, Alexander Hutilainen, Deputy Minister of the Russian industry and trade, Viktor Evtukhov, Member of the Federal Council, Sergey Katanandov and other officials.
Prospects of Kondopoga Pulp and Paper Mill – Plans for the Future
January 29/2015
PAP FOR International Expoforum held in Saint Petersburg is not just a demonstration of feasibility, advanced developments and technologies of pulp and paper industry. This is a great and important discussion forum.